Are we moving forward?

Remember the days when we had a thick Nokia trying to pull our pants down by its weight. Businessman and high paid serviceman (no one else could afford) carried those robust devices in their kurtaas and suit pockets. Those mobiles were phones, once you charged them, the juice emptied in 5-7 days giving a feeling of reliability to the user. If by accident, it fell and broke, you need not had to worry, you just had to arrange the components right and press them with your palms and the device was happy again (though this procedure was never mentioned in the brochure).

After that wind of invention blew all over India, chips got thinner and lighter, the antennae was forced inside the cover, screen stretched to cover all the naked fiber and extra hardware installed. The mobile became a multimedia phone. Till that time the mobile had good display (color), packed with features like mp3 player, radio and camera (higher models). the battery life reduced a bit (though companies guaranteed the opposite) and now you also had to care about the camera. I remember when i got a Nokia 6020 that time, and carried in my jeans pocket, half of me was busy caring for it, preventing objects touching that part of my jeans and deciding which part of the device should be facing top and its alignment. 

Now with advent of super fast processors and interactive operating system, the mobile has become smart phones. Apart from the basic functionality of a phone, these mobiles now come loaded with high resolution camera, speech recognition system and loads of other features which make them mini computers. However, battery life has further deteriorated and the device requires extreme care. the question which arises here is are we moving in the right direction? has the technology reached its vertical maxima so as to spread horizontally?

Are the advancements in D.C power source at par with those in other hardware?
From one point of view, we are moving backwards in terms of the basic functionality of a mobile. one may say that today the voice clarity has improved. I don't think so Has it?  there has been very less advancement in that respect. what we look for before buying any mobile is its processor, ram, screen size and memory. what one rarely see is the battery specification (MHz), how resistant it is and the reliability. Last year, I attended a TRIZ workshop and i was surprised to know that we have advanced very little in terms of invention and research in mobile battery and thus the advancement in mobile technology is inefficient. But who is responsible for it? It is we again. Companies provide us with what we desire, we never wished for a mobile which may may be a little low on ram but excellent in battery life, we never write about it in the review, we never demand for it.

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